Day 3

Thursday, June 23, 2022

What does a critical literacy classroom look like?

9:30 - 10:00

Welcome and Reviewing Yesterday's Reflections

  • Read yesterday's reflections.

      • Highlight in green anything that resonates with you.

      • Highlight in yellow anything you would like to hear more about.

      • If you select something someone else selected, add a comment.

10:00 - 10:30

Writing into the Day

  • "The Importance of the Act of Reading" by Freire (1983) has continued to be read in the PhilWP ISI. Why do you think it resonates so much over the years?

10:30 - 11:15

Introduction to Jefferson's Weather Record and Considerations for Selecting Primary Sources

11:15 - 12:00

Journal Groups

12:00 - 1:00


1:00 - 2:00

Inquiries into Teaching with Primary Sources to Support Civically Engaged Argument Writing

2:00 - 2:45

Project Resources: Teaching with Primary Sources to Support Civically Engaged Argument Writing

  • Explore resources from the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) program; the National Writing Project's College, Career, and Community Writers Program (C3WP); and Gholdy Muhammad's Culturally and Historically Responsive Literacy Framework.

2:45 - 3:00

Closing and Afternoon Activities

  1. Add one word to a shared slide to describe how you are feeling during day 3.

  2. Reaction Sheet

  3. Reading to Prepare for Day 4:

Day 3 PhilWP 2022 ISI Slideshow

The Importance of the Act of Reading (Freire, 1983)

Jefferson's weather record

Considerations for Selecting Primary Sources Checklist

Javaha's NASA and space junk unit

Trey's environmental impact of fashion unit

Core project resources for "Supporting Civically Engaged Argument Writing with Primary Sources"

One word reflections